The Saiyen Names

Goku- the first sayen seen in the series dragonball -good

Vegita- Starts out bad but turns good and he is the -good

Radditz- Gokus evil brother that try's to kill him-bad

Turles- only seen in the dbz movie "The Tree Of Might"-bad

Nappa-only seen in a few episodes. when vegita was bad he was his partner-bad

Bardock- gokus father only in the movie and a few episodes of the freiza saga- medium

Gohan- Gokus fun playfull kid -good

Goten- gokus other son-good

Pan- seen in the GTseries-good

Brolly-ony seen in a few movies-bad

Trunks- vegitas son -good

Gogeta- a fuse between Goku& Vegita-good

Veggito- a fuse beween vegita&goku-good

Gotenks-a fuse between trunks and goten-good